MMS Holdings Doubles Growth In South Africa Region

MMS Holdings Doubles Growth In South Africa Region Amid Burgeoning Pharmaceutical Industry Locally.

BLOEMFONTEIN, South Africa (November 20, 2019) – MMS Holdings (MMS) – an award-winning, data-focused CRO – announced today that its regional operations in South Africa has more than doubled in the past fiscal year, through the addition of new colleagues in Bloemfontein and the successful procurement of key contracts with clinical trial sponsors and research groups.

promoted Alan Nicolle to the position of Senior Director, EU & South Africa Operations mms holdings inc cro uk london europe cro vendor services solutions consultant

Alan Nicolle

According to Goldstein Research, the African pharmaceutical market overall is expected to increase to a near USD 70 billion market by the year 2030, with a higher than 20 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR). The MMS Bloemfontein office has steadily grown over the years to satisfy the rapid demand for clinical research services in the South African pharmaceutical market.

In recognition of effective growth initiatives, MMS has promoted Alan Nicolle to the position of Senior Director, EU & South Africa Operations and Diederik Van Niekerk to the position of Senior Manager, South Africa Operations.

“This growth globally is yet another example proving that MMS delivers elevated, next-level services to meet the market demands for expert researchers and positions itself to grow where the best talent is located,” says Nicolle, “I am grateful to be a part of such an impactful organization that thrives on original thought, and provides me with the autonomy to lead growth initiatives in two of our key regions: Europe and South Africa.”

South Africa has been an area of focused growth for MMS due to its well-qualified workforce, strong infrastructure, along with data processing and quality focus.  The region also offers an overlapping time zone with MMS clients and sister offices in the US, EU, and Asia.

Diederik Van Niekerk to the position of Senior Manager, South Africa Operations mms holdings mmsu mms university best cro south africa consultant vendor services drug development clinical research sacra

Diederik Van Niekerk

Van Niekerk added, “Success, in any area of life or business, comes from continued growth. To grow, I encourage all colleagues to adopt a learning mindset and to reach beyond their comfort zones. The sustained growth of MMS in South Africa has surpassed our expectations, and I am proud to play a role in that story.”

Historically, MMS has experienced double-digit growth across all locations each year since the company was established in 2006. Additionally, in the past year MMS has been recognized on a global scale:

  • for co-founding the Health Analytics Collective – MIT, the Center for Translational Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, and Julia Computing – to strategically use Real World Evidence (RWE) and provide data-driven insights, with a goal to shorten the drug development timelines of new treatments;
  • as a finalist in the highly-esteemed, global Scrip Awards by Informa Pharma Intelligence in the category of Best Contract Research Organization – Specialist Providers;
  • with a honorable mention for PR Daily’s Corporate Social Responsibility Awards for the #OneMMS colleague volunteer initiative and dedication of more than $250,000 worth of time to colleague-chosen charities, and;
  • for launching Automatiqc® – a new cloud-based application that provides automation-aided document formatting.

MMS is actively hiring for on-site and work-from-home opportunities in South Africa in all service areas. Those interested can apply at MMS Careers

About MMS Holdings

MMS is an award-winning, data-focused CRO that supports the pharmaceutical and biotech industries with a proven, scientific approach to complex trial data and regulatory submission challenges. Strong industry experience and a data-driven approach to drug development make MMS a valuable CRO partner, creating compelling submissions that meet rigorous regulatory standards. With a global footprint across four continents, MMS maintains a 97 percent customer satisfaction rating, and the company was named Most Outstanding CRO in the 2019 Biotechnology Awards and Best Global CRO in the 2018 International Life Sciences Awards. For more information, visit or follow MMS on LinkedIn.



BLOEMFONTEIN, Suid-Afrika (November 20, 2019) – MMS Holdings (MMS) – ‘n bekroonde, data-gefokusde kontraknavorsingsorganisasie (KNO) – het vandag aangekondig dat sy streekbedrywighede in Suid-Afrika die afgelope finansiele jaar meer as verdubbel het, deur die toevoeging van nuwe kollegas in Bloemfontein en die suksesvolle verkryging van sleutelkontrakte met borge vir kliniese proefnemings en navorsings-groepe.

Volgens ‘Goldstein Research’ sal die Afrika farmaseutiese mark in totaliteit teen  die jaar 2030 tot byna USD 70 miljard toeneem, met ‘n saamgestelde jaarlikse groeikoers van meer as 20 persent (SJG). MMS se kantoor in Bloemfontein het oor die afgelope paar jare stelselmatig gegroei om aan die toenemende vraag na kliniese navorsingsdienste in die Suid-Afrikaanse farmaseutiese mark te voorsien.

Ter erkenning van effektiewe groei-inisiatiewe het MMS vir Alan Nicolle bevorder tot die pos van Senior Direkteur, Europese & Suid-Afrikaanse Bedrywighede en Diederik Van Niekerk tot die pos van Senior Bestuurder, Suid-Afrikaanse Bedrywighede.

“Hierdie wêreldwye groei is nog ‘n bewys dat MMS dienste op die volgende vlak lewer om aan die markvereistes vir kundige navorsers te voldoen en homself te posisioneer vir groei in streke waar die beste talent geleë is,” sê Nicolle, “ek is dankbaar om deel te wees van so ‘n impakvolle organisasie wat floreer op oorspronklike denke en my die outonomie gee om groei-inisiatiewe in twee van ons sleutelstreke te lei, naamlik Europa en Suid-Afrika. ”

Suid-Afrika bly voordurend ‘n streek van gefokusde groei vir MMS vanweë sy goed gekwalifiseerde arbeidsmag en sterk infrastruktuur, tesame met die dataverwerkings- en gehalte fokus. Die streek bied ook ‘n oorvleuelende tydsone met MMS-kliënte en susterkantore in die VSA, die EU en Asië.

Van Niekerk het bygevoeg: “Sukses in enige area, besigheid ingesluit, is altyd ‘n resultaat van voortgesette groei. Om groei te verseker, moedig ek gereeld kollegas aan om te alle tye ‘n leersame ingesteldheid aan te wend en waar moontlik buite hul gemaksones te strek. Die volgehoue ​​groei van MMS in Suid-Afrika het ons verwagtinge oortref, en ek is trots om ‘n sleutelrol in die verhaal te speel.”

Sedert die onderneming in 2006 gestig is, het MMS sover jaarliks in elke streek ‘n dubbelsyfergroei getoon. Boonop is MMS die afgelope jaar wêreldwyd erken:

  • vir die mede-stigting van die “Health Analytics Collective – MIT, the Center for Translational Medicine” aan die Universiteit van Maryland Skool vir Farmasie, en “Julia Computing” – om “Real World Evidence (RWE)” strategies te gebruik en data-gedrewe insigte te bied, met die hoofdoel om die tydlyne van die ontwikkeling van medisyne vir nuwe behandelings te verkort;
  • as finalis in die gewaardeerde, wêreldwye Script-toekennings deur “Informa Pharma Intelligence” in die kategorie van die beste kontraknavorsingsorganisasie – spesialisaanbieders en verskaffers;
  • met ‘n eerbare vermelding vir “PR Daily” se toekennings vir maatskaplike verantwoordelikheid vir die #OneMMS-kollega-vrywilliger-inisiatief en toewyding van tyd van meer as R3 750 000 aan kollegas-gekose liefdadigheidsorganisasies, en;
  • vir die bekendstelling van Automatiqc® – ‘n nuwe “cloud”-gebaseerde program wat outomatisering van dokumentformatering bied.

MMS is aktief opsoek na talent vir geleenthede ter plaatse en tuis-werk in Suid-Afrika in alle diensareas. Belangstellendes kan by MMS Careers aansoek doen.

Meer oor MMS Holdings

MMS is ‘n bekroonde, data-gefokusde KNO wat die farmaseutiese, biotegnologiese ondersteun en diens met ‘n bewese, wetenskaplike benadering tot ingewikkelde proefdata en uitdagings met die indiening van regulatoriese aansoeke. Sterk bedryfservaring en ‘n data-gedrewe benadering tot die ontwikkeling van medisyne maak MMS ‘n waardevolle KNO-vennoot vir die skep van suksesvolle regulatoriese aansoeke, wat aan die strengste regulatoriese standaarde voldoen. Met ‘n wêreldwye voetspoor oor vier kontinente, handhaaf MMS ‘n 97-persent klantetevredenheid, en die maatskappy is aangewys as die mees uitstaande KNO in die “Biotechnology Awards” van 2019 en die beste Internasionale KNO in die 2018 “International Life Sciences Awards”. Besoek vir meer inligting of volg MMS op LinkedIn.


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